FAQs about Private Jet Charter


About Private Jet Charter

A charter is an on-demand flight. It’s not part of the schedule set up by airlines that consists of flights departing from specific airports at specific times. A private jet charter is a flight that you rent for your own needs on your own schedule. Instead of having to choose between pre-existing flight times, you can make your own schedule, setting your own departure time and choosing your own destination.

There are many advantages to flying on a private jet charter instead of flying commercially. Flying on a private jet is more comfortable and luxurious than a commercial flight, even first class. A private jet charter is also faster because it can fly directly to your destination instead of making stops at hub airports. In addition, a private jet charter can land at any size airport, including smaller regional airports, meaning there are around 1,000 more options than when you fly commercial. Plus, passengers don’t have to arrive early in order to wait in line at security or wait at the gate. Instead, the flight leaves at the passenger’s convenience. Flying private can save passengers valuable time in addition to being more comfortable than a commercial flight.

There are multiple ways to book a private jet charter. You can book on an app, although these might not get you the best price. You can also book a charter through a management company or through a private jet broker. 

For example, if you wanted to book a flight through West Palm Jet Charter, you could do so by visiting westpalmjetcharter.com and clicking Get a Quote, where you would fill in your personal details and flight information. Then, after we’ve calculated the costs and found the best aircraft for your flight, we would send a quote to you.

Aircraft Management

Generally speaking, if you’re flying a lot of hours a year, it can be worth it to own a jet instead of chartering. Hours of flight time aren’t the only factor that should be considered when deciding whether or not to purchase a private jet. How many hours spent in-flight is important, but so is the type of flying. If the hours are split among multiple people in different locations, owning a single jet wouldn’t fit the needs of the organization.

Owning a jet means that you wouldn’t have to pay per flight, but there are other costs associated with ownership, including maintenance and hangar fees. You would also be responsible for paying the flight crew. If you typically spend a long period of time at the destination, it may end up costing more to fly your own jet than to just book two charters.

Fractional ownership is partial ownership of a private jet. In fractional ownership, the jet would have multiple owners, each of whom would be allocated a certain number of hours of flight time in the jet, proportionate to the percentage owned of the aircraft. It’s a good option for those who want to save on the costs of owning a private jet.

How much it costs to purchase a private jet depends on the size and type of aircraft. The costs can start at $3 million and run as high as $90 million. That doesn’t include the cost of regular maintenance, repairs, insurance, flight crew salaries, or hangaring. If you’re flying hundreds of hours in a year, it can make sense to own your own plane instead of chartering.

A private jet management company provides aircraft management services to companies or individuals that own their own aircraft. These services include maintenance, pilot scheduling, flight planning, and all of the everyday operations required to keep the aircraft airworthy.

If you own an aircraft, you can charter the aircraft in order to offset some of the costs of owning the jet. The private jet management company that you hire can also be responsible for chartering your aircraft.


The farther in advance you can book your private jet charter, the better. While it’s possible to book a flight only hours before you’re set to depart, you’ll be limited in what aircraft are available to you because others may have chartered your desired aircraft already. You don’t have to book your private jet charter months in advance like you might have to for a commercial flight, but booking at least a few weeks in advance is a good idea to ensure that you can get your preferred aircraft.

Category: Booking

In many cases, it’s possible to book a private jet charter directly with the private jet operator. So why should you book through a broker instead? Brokers have access to the fleets or multiple operators, rather than just one. This means that the broker can look around for you and find the best deal for the best aircraft for your needs. Plus, the broker can do the work for you by researching operators, checking the maintenance records and pilot hours, and vetting the crew. In addition, booking through a broker may be less expensive, since you could benefit from any discounts that the broker receives with an operator.

Category: Booking

Finding the right private jet broker can help you get the best possible aircraft for your needs and get you the best possible prices. When looking for a broker, check how long they have been in business. The more experienced a broker is, the more likely they are to have established relationships with operators and access to a wider fleet of aircraft. You should also ask about the broker’s commission structure and look at what the agreement terms are as well as the broker’s cancellation policies.

Category: Booking

A private jet charter company can generally arrange for ground transportation to bring their clients to the airport before the flight and, after the flight has landed, take them to their final destination. Many private jet charter brokers have relationships with ground transportation companies. This may result in discounts that are then passed on to the passengers.

Category: Booking

You can fly on a private jet charter at any time an aircraft is available for you. There may be blackout dates related to pricing, however. If you’re using a jet card to fly at a fixed rate, there may be certain restrictions for when you can and cannot use the card. If you still need to fly during the blackout period, you can do so at the increased price.

Category: Booking

If you know that you’ll be in need of a private jet for an extended period of time, instead of booking a series of charters, you may be able to book a jet for a specified period. You would be charged a minimum amount per day by the operator. You would then also be responsible for overnight crew fees for the entire time you had the jet. If it’s a larger jet, you’ll also need to pay for a flight attendant.

Category: Booking

Once you submit your request for a private jet charter to a broker, the broker will then determine the right aircraft for your needs, check the availability of that jet, and calculate the costs of the charter. Typically within a day, the broker will offer you a quote for your charter.

Category: Booking

It isn’t possible to book only one seat on a private jet charter. When you book a private jet, you book the entire aircraft. It can be more economical to split the price of a private jet charter with other passengers. The privacy of flying either alone or with your own group is one of the advantages of flying private.

Category: Booking

There are apps available that allow users to book private jet charters. It is possible to use these apps to book a flight. However, people booking through these apps may end up paying higher prices and may not get the best aircraft for their needs. This is because the algorithm of an app is no replacement for an experienced private jet broker.

A broker knows which operators have which aircraft available and which routes are commonly flown. A broker can also more easily react to fluctuations in prices much more quickly than an algorithm can. Plus, a broker may have a relationship with certain operators that can result in deals that can lower the cost for passengers.

Category: Booking

Checking In

One of the benefits of flying private is that you don’t have to worry about waiting in long lines to go through the TSA security checkpoint. Private jets depart from a different airport facility than commercial flights, called an FBO. This means that you don’t have to go through the TSA line to get to your flight. This saves private jet passengers a lot of time and hassle. Not only do they not have to arrive hours before their flight to make time for security, but they also don’t have to take off shoes or limit the size of the toiletries in their carry-on luggage to small sizes. Typically, there’s only a screening when you fly internationally and have to go through customs.

Category: Checking In

When you fly private, you don’t have to go to the main airport where the commercial air traffic is. Instead, you would go to the FBO, which is typically either located on land that is leased by the FBO from the airport or, more rarely, on property adjacent to the airport.

Category: Checking In

FBO is an acronym for a fixed-base operator. An FBO is the airport terminal used for private jet charter passengers. An FBO is also the provider of services such as hangaring, tie-down, parking, flight instruction, and more for general aviation.

Category: Checking In

The amenities available at an FBO depend on the size of the airport, but often include:

  • Lounge
  • Security check area
  • Bathrooms
  • Cafeteria
  • Meeting rooms
Category: Checking In

One of the biggest inconveniences of flying commercial is how early you have to arrive before your flight. When you fly private, you don’t have to arrive hours early to go through security and wait at the gate. Instead, you can arrive 30 minutes before your flight to leave time for checking in and any security screening. Then, you can proceed to the aircraft that is waiting for you.

Category: Checking In

There’s a lot more flexibility in what or who you can bring with you on a private jet charter than when you fly commercially. Because you pay for the aircraft instead of by the seat, you can absolutely use one of those seats for a pet. There may be some rules regarding how your pet can fly, however. Smaller pets may need to be in a pet carrier while larger ones may need to have a harness. Check with your private jet broker before your flight so you know exactly what you’ll need to keep your pet safe in-flight.

Categories: Checking In, In-Flight

II. Best Private Jet Broker

Typically brokers with more experience have better relationships and have access to more fleets than new guys. A couple of questions that you should ask: How long have they been doing business? What is the commission structure like? What are the terms of the agreement?

Always make sure you know your cancellation policies. Ask for references. Obviously, I am going to be biased and say we are the best company…

II. Book a Flight

No, when you book a private jet charter, you are basically renting the entire aircraft. For this reason, it is more economical to fly with a group of people than to book a flight alone. Many view the privacy afforded by a private jet charter flight to be the greatest advantage over commercial flights.

Category: II. Book a Flight

There are many private jet applications on the Apple Store or for Android phones. However, you may pay more for your flight if you use an app to book. There are too many variables in pricing to give accurate quotes, so private jet charter apps have to have a 20-40% margin of error embedded into them.

Aircraft are commodities and pricing fluctuates. If demand is high than prices go up, if the demand is low prices go low. Aircraft repositioning is also always a wildcard. The best app will be the one that has a strong brokerage or management company behind it.

You can access our web based quoting tool at www.westpalmjetcharter.com


Category: II. Book a Flight

It is generally a good idea to plan a private jet charter flight about a week in advance, but some brokers can charter a flight it just a few hours. We can have you in the air about four hours after you book your flight with us.

Category: II. Book a Flight

II. Charter Private Jet

There are many ways to charter a private jet. The three that are most common are:

  1. Booking through a management company
  2. Booking through a broker
  3. Using an app

II. Discounted Private Jet Charter

This is another fancy term for an empty leg. Typically one can save 35%-65% percent on a flight. The issue is that one has to be extremely flexible as you have to fly on the operators schedule and not your own. So you have to be willing to jump on a plane within 12-24 hours notice to really get a good deal.

II. Empty Leg

An empty leg is an empty sector. Empty legs are caused when the company sells a round trip to a customer who only needs a one way. The management company sells the one way and takes the risk of selling the leg back to home base.

Empty legs can also be created by floating fleets who are trying to string together several flights. The positioning leg to get to their next revenue flight creates an additional leg that they can sell.

Category: II. Empty Leg

1. Empty legs are 100% non cancellable
2. Aircraft vendors only drop prices if they cannot sell the leg 12-24 hours prior to your scheduled departure
3. The probability of an actual flight existing for your exact date are very low – it’s a gamble. It’s like rolling the dice in Vegas!
4. Empty legs are reserved for high volume routes. If you’re trying to go to a small town, an empty leg flight is not an option

Category: II. Empty Leg

The Empty Leg Alert feature on our website pulls from the largest database of empty legs in the world. We also aggregate empty leg lists from our vendors that are updated into our software daily.

Input the routing that you are looking for and dates and our alert feature will send you an email with a private jet flight that matches those parameters. Our software has the ability to filter only flights that are relative to your routing. When you get an alert, just reply to our team and we can have a quote to you within the hour.

Category: II. Empty Leg

The Empty Leg Alert feature is truly a revolutionary way to charter. The Empty Leg Alert feature allows you to shop for empty legs all over the world. Our online Empty Leg Alert rivals any private jet charter application on the market. There are no membership fees, no jet cards, just on demand empty legs from all over the world. Our system aggregates empty legs from vendors. It updates every two hours with new flights.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, enter the routing you’re looking for and our alert feature will send you an email when it finds a flight with matching parameters. In turn our agents will be alerted and immediately start calling and emailing vendors that might be transient or charter hungry. This feature helps you to consistently find the best aircraft for the mission with the least amount of repositioning.

Category: II. Empty Leg

II. Fly Destination

Private jets can fly into thousands of airports all over the world. Private jets can even use many airports that are not able to handle commercial aircraft. This means that you can often depart from an airport that is closer to home and fly into an airport that is closer to your destination when you fly private instead of commercial.

II. Private Charter Flight

A private jet charter flight is a flight that is flown under a part 135 certificate. As the term private suggest all aspects of flight are confidential and the payee gets to fly on the aircraft of his choice. The payee charters the aircraft in its entirety and is responsible for all charges associated with the flight.

II. Private Jet Charter

This is another fancy term for an empty leg. Typically one can save 35%-65% percent on a flight. The issue is that one has to be extremely flexible as you have to fly on the operators schedule and not your own. So you have to be willing to jump on a plane within 12-24 hours notice to really get a good deal.

II. Private Jet Charter Broker

A private jet charter broker is a professional that works to match customers with the aircraft and itinerary that meets their needs. Private jet charter brokers have access to more aircraft than management companies. People that travel frequently often rely on private jet charter brokers to book all of their flights, as brokers are not limited by location or type of aircraft.

II. Private Jet Management Company

Private Jets are owned by corporations and individuals that require travel on a regular basis. Management companies are hired by these entities to handle the maintenance, pilot schedules, and flight planning. They handle all day to day operations and requirements to keep the jets airworthy.

If the owners decide to charter the aircraft in order to offset the costs, handling charters is also the responsibility of the management company.

II. Private Jet Pricing

Cost Private Jet charter

There are allot of factors that go into figuring out the cost of a private jet charter. Private jets charter by the hour. Hourly rates for aircraft can vary greatly. There are several reasons why hourly rates differ. The number one reason is most aircraft have different owners. Each owner has different financing arrangements and have different obligations. Aircraft positioning is another major factor. The aircraft best positioned for the mission will typically be the best price. The duration of the charter plays a major factor. Will the aircraft stay with you. Will it return and come back. Is it better to book two different one ways or empty legs. There are two pricing models that we use in the Industry. The Floating fleet pricing model and non floating fleet model. All aircraft have a two hour daily minimum charge.

Non Floating Model

Turbo Prop  $2,200-$2,600
Light Jet       $2,600-$3,800
Mid Size Jet $3,800- $4,800
Super Mid     $4,800-$5,900
Heavy Jet      $7,500-$12,000

Floating Fleet Model (Jet Card)

Turbo Prop  $2600-$2900
Light Jet       $4400-$4900
Mid Size Jet $4900-$5900
Super Mid    $5900-$8500
Heavy Jet     $10,000+ $$$


The services on-board a private jet charter depend entirely on you and your choices. The catering menu can be adjusted to suit your preferences. Your flight plan itself can even be changed as late as during the flight. Your entertainment options can also be customized. If you have specific requests, you can make them ahead of time and the crew will do their best to accommodate you.

Category: In-Flight

There’s a lot more flexibility in what or who you can bring with you on a private jet charter than when you fly commercially. Because you pay for the aircraft instead of by the seat, you can absolutely use one of those seats for a pet. There may be some rules regarding how your pet can fly, however. Smaller pets may need to be in a pet carrier while larger ones may need to have a harness. Check with your private jet broker before your flight so you know exactly what you’ll need to keep your pet safe in-flight.

Categories: Checking In, In-Flight

It is possible to fly internationally with a pet on a private jet charter. You may have to bring your pet’s documents with you, however. Some countries have mandatory quarantines for all pets entering the country. Others may ban certain types of animals from entering the country.

Category: In-Flight

It’s generally possible for unaccompanied minors to fly on a chartered private jet. However, depending on the operator, there are age limits. Some allow only as young as 12 or 13, while others may allow children as young as 7 to fly unaccompanied. Depending on the operator, a crew member may be required to accompany the minor to and from the aircraft. A flight attendant may also be required to remain in the cabin with the minor. These duties could accrue additional fees.

Typically, for any unaccompanied minor under the age of 16, a Chain of Custody form is required to be filled out by the minor’s legal guardian. The person listed on that form will then have to present ID when picking up the minor.

Category: In-Flight

No matter how fuel-efficient an aircraft is, every one still emits some amount of CO2 into the atmosphere during flight. In order to offset this, many private jet operators and brokers offer carbon-neutral flights as part of a carbon-offset program. These programs involve private jet clients purchasing carbon credits, which are then used to benefit the environment in some way, such as by planting trees.

Category: In-Flight

Unlike on a commercial flight, where you’re given a choice between only a few options, the menu onboard a private jet can be customized to your own preferences. Before your flight, the catering team will contact you to discuss menu options. They’ll ask about your favorite foods and even your favorite restaurants for inspiration. If you have any dietary preferences or restrictions, they’ll take them into account. Then, the catering team will create a special menu for your flight.

Category: In-Flight

Standard entertainment options onboard a private jet charter include WiFi, movies, and music. You can use either headphones or the aircraft’s surround sound system. If you have any specific entertainment requests for during your flight, you can speak to the concierge ahead of time.

Category: In-Flight

Planning a Flight

While private jet charters can fly to a major airport if that’s the best airport for your destination, they don’t have to. Private jet charters can fly to many regional and smaller airports that may be closer to your destination instead. An exception may be if you’re flying internationally and a major airport is the only one with customs officials available. If that’s the case, your aircraft would have to make a customs stop, but then could continue on to your final destination at the airport of your choice.

Category: Planning a Flight

The range of a private jet depends on its size. Smaller jets are ideal for short flights, while larger aircraft are better suited for long flights. While it’s possible for a smaller jet to make fuel stops in order to make a longer flight, this lengthens the duration of the flight and may not be possible for a long-haul international flight that crosses an ocean.

Category: Planning a Flight

Unlike a commercial flight, a private jet charter doesn’t have to stop for layovers. Typically, you can fly directly to your destination without stopping. However, there are exceptions. If your flight is long and the aircraft is not large enough to carry enough fuel for the duration of the flight, fuel stops may be necessary. In addition, if you’re flying internationally, you may need to make a customs stop when you enter the country.

Category: Planning a Flight

If you are flying internationally, you will have to go through customs, whether you’re flying on a private jet charter or on a commercial flight. Depending on the country, you may have to stop at a specific airport to go through customs before continuing on to your final destination. In some cases, the private jet operator may be able to obtain a permit to bypass that first port of entry and go through customs at your final destination instead.

Wherever you go through customs, you’ll need to declare anything of value that you’re bringing into the country, including cash. There are very few exceptions, such as medical emergencies, that would allow a flight to bypass customs entirely upon arrival. Fortunately, when you fly private, customs is quick and takes typically fifteen minutes or less. In addition, the customs officials will come to you, rather than you having to go to them.

Category: Planning a Flight

The number of passengers you can have on a private jet charter depends on the size of the aircraft. A light jet, for example, may be able to carry up to 7 passengers, depending on the seat configuration. A mid-size jet can carry up to 9 passengers and a heavy jet can carry up to 18 passengers.

Category: Planning a Flight

Flying on a private jet charter is faster than flying commercially for multiple reasons. First, when you fly via private jet charter, you don’t have to arrive hours ahead of time at the airport. While there are security checks, there’s no line for it. Additionally, private jet passengers don’t need to arrive hours ahead of time to check in and wait at the gate. With fewer passengers, a private flight boards more quickly as well.

On top of that, once you’re in the air, a private jet charter can fly directly to your destination instead of stopping at an airport that may be in the opposite direction for a layover. Plus, private jets are often able to climb faster than commercial jets and also fly faster, shaving precious time off of your journey.

Category: Planning a Flight

A benefit of flying on a private jet charter is that you’re flying on your own schedule rather than that of an airline. This means there can be some flexibility with your departure time, even if you’ve booked a charter for a specific time. Typically, there’s a departure window of around two hours. It may be possible to request a longer window if you need it, but only if it won’t interfere with regular operations of the private jet operator.

Category: Planning a Flight

Many private jet brokers, West Palm Jet Charter included, offer 24/7 concierge services. It’s through the concierge that all details of your flight are managed, from in-flight requests to ground transportation. We pride ourselves on offering the best possible customer service to our clients and will do our best to ensure that their every need is taken care of.

Category: Planning a Flight

Unlike commercial flights, where your carry-on bags are limited in both size and number and where you may have to pay for checked bags, the only limitation to what you can take with you on a private jet is the luggage capacity of the aircraft. Larger aircraft can hold more bags than smaller aircraft can. For example, a light jet might hold between 5 and 6 pieces of luggage, while a mid-size jet could hold up to 8. The only real restrictions are based on what can fit on the aircraft.

Category: Planning a Flight


Chartering a private jet isn’t just for the ultra-rich. While the price of a private jet charter can vary, depending on the size of the jet and the distance you’re flying, prices can be competitive with first-class. Additionally, the cost of a private jet charter is for the entire jet, not per seat like it is on a commercial flight. If the cost of the charter is split between multiple passengers, prices can even be competitive with the cost of a business-class commercial ticket.

Category: Pricing

On top of the cost of the flight, there may be additional fees, depending on your destination and the cost of fuel. A fuel surcharge may be added if there’s a rise in the cost of fuel. If you’re flying internationally, there may be fees associated with the trip due to customs charges, handling costs, and other expenses that can be incurred. If your flight travels overnight, you could incur a fee for keeping the crew overnight. Depending on the broker or operator, there may be fees for additional passengers as well.

Category: Pricing

Empty legs flights are a great way to save money on a private jet charter. Empty legs occur when an aircraft flies from, for example, airport A to airport B, but then is needed to fly from airport C to airport D. The airport B to airport C leg is called the empty leg because while the aircraft must fly that leg in order to be available for the C to D charter, no one has booked it for the B to C leg.

Many private jet companies will offer this leg at a discounted rate so that they don’t have a flight with no passengers at all. Any private jet company or broker offering empty legs will advertise the flights available on their websites.

Category: Pricing

All private jet operators are required to have insurance for the aircraft they fly and the pilots and crew they employ. While this insurance does also cover passengers, it may not cover all items brought onboard by the passenger. If valuables are among the passengers’ luggage, these items may not be covered by the operators’ insurance and the passenger would need to ensure their own insurance coverage for these items.

Category: Pricing

You’ll receive a quote for the cost of the charter from your broker when you book the private jet charter. This quote will include all fuel charges, taxes, fees, and the cost of chartering the jet. Typically, this is paid upfront before you fly. There may be additional fees that accrue during your flight. If this is the case, these can be settled when you land.

Category: Pricing

A private jet card program is a program that allows private jet fliers to pre-pay for flight hours at a fixed rate for a specific size or type of aircraft. Anyone with a jet card can simply use the hours they have accrued without having to worry about paying for their flight. Jet card programs also offer other benefits, including guaranteed availability of your choice of aircraft, a certain number of hours of flight time, 24/7 concierge service, and more. Opting in to a jet card program can save money for frequent flyers who can lock in lower rates by pre-paying for flight hours.

Category: Pricing


Flying on a private jet charter is much safer than flying commercial during a pandemic. In fact, because of the health concerns of flying commercial, many more people are turning to flying private. The passengers are only yourself and your own party, so you won’t come into contact with anyone else. The crew and pilots can take safety precautions such as maintaining social distancing and wearing masks when interacting with passengers. In addition, the cabin is kept clean in between passengers. If you have specific requests that would make you feel more comfortable flying, the crew will do their best to accommodate you.

Category: Safety

The safety of passengers is our number one priority. Even though flying private means that you don’t have to go through the TSA’s security checkpoint, a private jet charter is very secure. There are fewer passengers, so private jet brokers can vet passengers at the beginning of the booking process. In addition, private jet brokers rigorously check the safety records for every operator that they use. In fact, the safety checks that private jets have to go through can be even more rigorous than those for commercial aircraft. Private jet travel is therefore just as safe, if not even safer, than flying commercial.

Category: Safety

ARGUS is a company in the aviation industry that audits the safety of private jet operators, among other things. ARGUS’ gold rating is an internationally recognized safety standard. West Palm Jet Charter looks for the ARGUS rating of any operator for every private jet charter booked.

Category: Safety

Wyvern is a company in the aviation industry that audits private jet operators. Their highest standard of safety rating is the Wingman rating. West Palm Jet Charter looks for the Wyvern rating and obtains a Wyvern safety report for any private jet charter that is booked. Wyvern safety standards are even stricter than those required by Part 135 of the FAA’s safety requirements. For every private jet flight, WPJC will obtain Wyvern PASS reports. The Wyvern PASS (Pilot and Aircraft Safety Survey) report is given to every customer as proof of the safety rating of the operators we work with. Both the aircraft and the flight crew have been checked and verified according to the highest safety standards in the world.

Category: Safety

The FAA, or Federal Aviation Administration, authorizes companies to operate chartered flights in Part 135 of its regulations. However, in order to obtain this authorization, the FAA outlines certain standards of safety that companies must meet. A company that has Part 135 certification is considered to meet the FAA’s safety standards for operating private jet charters.

Category: Safety

Disclaimer: All Aircraft And Air Carriers Selected By West Palm Jets are fully Certified by The Federal Aviation Administration and The U.S. Department of Transportation under part 135 regulations. Carriers are Solely Responsible for The Air Transportation Arranged on Behalf Of West Palm Jets’ Clients. West Palm Jets Does not OWN or Operate Any Aircraft. West Palm Jets is not a direct or indirect Air carrier. All flights chartered through West Palm Jets are Operated by Part 135 Air Carriers.

West Palm Jet Charter

Specializing in On-Demand Private Jet Charter Flight Service, 24/7 Private Plane Flights, Executive Business Jet Services, Florida Aircraft Charter Flights, West Palm Beach Jet Charter Flights, Ft Lauderdale Private Jet Flights and Miami Private Jet Flights. West Palm Jets Inc. Serves As An Agent For Air Charter Services On Behalf of Our Clients. We have no affiliation with any carrier.


777 S Flagler Dr #800, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

+1 888-507-8582

West Palm Beach

1500 Perimeter Road, West Palm Beach, FL 33406

+1 888-507-8582

Daytona Office

3604 Surfside Terrace, Port Orange, FL 32127-4632

+1 386 506-8117

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400 Herndon Ave, Orlando, FL 32803

+1 321-695-3924

All Aircraft And Air Carriers Selected By West Palm Jets are fully Certified by The Federal Aviation Administration and The U.S. Department of Transportation under part 135 regulations. Carriers are Solely Responsible for The Air Transportation Arranged on Behalf Of West Palm Jets' Clients. West Palm Jets Does not OWN or Operate Any Aircraft. West Palm Jets is not a direct or indirect Air carrier. All flights chartered through West Palm Jets are Operated by Part 135 Air Carriers.

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